
We offer both VPS (Virtual Private Servers) and Dedicated Servers. Both offer outstanding performance for demanding websites with the latest Intel & Dell technology combining unparalleled server specification, bandwidth and service with a low monthly fee.

VPS Hosting

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VPS provides some of the most affordable options available for hosting services. You will get a virtual private server with an allotted amount of resources which can be used by you for your website(s) needs. This provides you with a great degree of control without the responsibility of managing the server yourself.

VPS are the perfect solution for advanced websites, apps and programs looking for increased flexibility, power and control, without the cost of a dedicated server. Our Virtual Servers are ideal for web designers, developers, small businesses and agencies demanding cutting edge VPS technology at a great price.

  • Dell & Intel hardware
  • Out of band SSH access
  • Free online control panel
  • Full root access
  • Host multiple websites
  • Advanced monitoring tools

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Dedicated Servers

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Dedicated servers make it possible for you to have sole use of your server. There is no sharing or virtualization of the resources.

You lease an entire server for your personal use. This gives you full control in terms of operating system and software.

We will install the operating system and any control panel you choose and you configure everything else. Ideal for the most demanding websites, but will require more technical knowledge than VPS or shared hosting.

  • Install any software you want
  • No shared resources
  • Host multiple websites
  • Linux or Windows OS
  • Your own IP address (x2)
  • Full root access

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